Emergency electrician for electrical weather damage

If you’ve just been through a storm and are looing for an emergency electrician for electrical weather damage, contact Sustainable Industries for a safe and reliable solution.

Here in Brisbane, we generally have great weather, but our proximity to the tropics comes with the risk of flooding and wild weather. Severe weather events such as heavy rain, storms, and lightning can cause a range of serious electrical problems and damage that requires professional attention.
Be prepared

The best way to minimise the risk to your home and family during severe weather events is to be prepared. Consider these safety and emergency preparedness tips:
• Buy or put together an emergency kit, store it somewhere where it can be easily accessed in an emergency.
• Keep at least one strong torch along with spare batteries in your bedroom or kitchen.
• Have bottled water in your cupboard, water supplies can also be affected by weather damage.
• Keep some non-perishable food items in your cupboard, check every year to ensure they have not expired.
• Check all your door and window fittings are secure and won’t bang in high winds.
• Secure any objects left outdoors, including furniture, so that it isn’t thrown around during high winds.
• Take photos of your home or business at least yearly so that you will be prepared if you make an insurance claim.

Electrical weather damage

Water damage
Water is an excellent electrical conductor, and as a result, it can easily create short circuits and ruin electrical appliances. If you notice water has entered your home or business and contacted appliances or other electrical items, do not attempt to move, touch, or unplug them. Simply avoid the area until it has been made safe by an emergency electrician.

Safety switch and fuse box
Weather damage can result in blown fuses, tripped safety switches, or damage to the wiring at your premises. If you are experiencing electrical problems after bad weather, do not attempt to diagnose faults yourself. It is likely that your fuse box will need to be inspected by a qualified electrician, who can then pinpoint and repair faults as required to make your home or business safe again. If you know that a single appliance got wet and tripped the switch, you can unplug it and flick the safety switch to see if power returns. Anything beyond this requires the attention of a licensed electrician to avoid the risk of electrocution or severe damage to your wiring and circuits.

Damaged power lines
Power poles and lines that are used to connect your property to the electrical network are maintained by the company that owns them. If severe weather has damaged power lines and caused a blackout or power failure, the relevant company will quickly begin the required clean-up and repair process. However, if you feel that you or your property is in danger as a result of damaged power lines or other electricity infrastructure, please call triple zero (000) immediately.

Trying to recover after the storm has passed? Contact Sustainable Industries for an emergency electrician for electrical weather damage, we are available 24 hours a day.

Call Sustainable industries electricians Brisbane today on 1300 772 750 for the best service and advice or you can message us.